Head of Treasury

З/п не указана
Опыт работы: От 3 до 6 лет
График работы: Полный день
Занятость: Полная занятость
Компания: Петровакс Фарм
Your future functions:
  • Managing the Company's liquidity:
  • managing the cash flows (control over cash gaps, identification of possible sources of financing (internal and external ones))
  • payment schedule
  • finding ways to reduce operating costs when making payments (optimization of commissions, hedging of currency risks, etc.)
  • supporting conversion operations, control over the execution of currency payments, currency control
  • placing free funds
  • working with banking products (corporate cards, customs cards, salary projects, etc.)
  • Raising external financing:
  • interaction with credit institutions to set credit limits, bank guarantee limits, letters of credit, factoring: determining the need for amounts, passing a preliminary analysis, preparing a complete package of documents to document the limits, project efficiency calculations, CF, technical and economic assessment, work with credit and security documents (surety agreements, security deposits, pledges)
  • control over the preparation of a complete package of documents as part of financial monitoring
  • control of compliance with covenants
  • Managing the working capital: control over accounts receivable and accounts payable, work on optimizing payment deferrals with counterparties, credit risk management (receivables insurance, factoring, bank guarantees)
  • Developing and implementing internal corporate regulations on finance, cash management, work instructions, and other regulatory documents
  • Automation of the treasury unit based on 1C, participation in the automation of the CF block based on IBM Cognos
  • Preparing monthly statements (actual situation + forecast), participation in CF budgeting
  • Checking contracts for financial risks, foreign economic activity – compliance with the current law
  • Entering into liability/property insurance agreements: identifying the need, preparing ToR for a tender, checking the agreements
Our expectations:
  • Higher financial education
  • Work experience with similar functions for at least 5 years
  • Knowledge of accounting principles, the banking system operation, the procedures for and forms of financial settlements
  • Practical skills in generating planned and actual statements on cash flow, working with liquidity, working with banks for lending
  • Confident user: Bank-client, 1С, MS Office
  • Personal qualities: analytical mind, systematic approach, desire to develop, attentiveness, responsibility, ability to work in a team
We offer:
  • An office on the 38th floor of Moscow-City (Vystavochnaya, Delovoy Tsentr, and Mezhdunarodnaya subway stations)
  • A hybrid work schedule with flexible start of working hours
  • Voluntary medical insurance + dental services, free annual vaccinations, contests and gifts for employees' children, and other bonuses
  • Absence of micromanagement, bureaucracy, and formalism (effective communications, feedback, business processes)
  • A culture of freedom and responsibility with a high level of trust and your ability to influence the results
  • A "Green Office": We care about the environment, so we have introduced separate waste collection; we collect clothes, equipment, good bottle caps and batteries for recycling. We also refused to use disposable tableware in our office.
  • "Suggest!": a corporate program where every employee's idea will be heard
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